There is an escape room for grade 10 provided, which includes questions about language diversity in general and its definition, as well as language diversity in Germany and New Zealand. The escape room offers two questions about language diversity and it‘s meaning and six questions about languages in New Zealand, as well as five questions about languages or dialects in Germany.
Students get an overview of the content when they start playing the game. The content is about language diversity in New Zealand and Germany, as well as how some languages became a part of the society and culture in both countries. They will find a map of Germany and New Zealand when they start playing. There are also two links on the map where students can click, in order to get access to more information about both countries. They can inform themselves before they start playing the quiz. There is one link for information to Germany and one to New Zealand. They can start the game when they have enough facts.
The escape room has five levels, which students have to achieve in order to complete the game. Once they finish the game and answer all the questions, they will get a diploma for the topic language diversity. There is a pre task at the beginning of the lesson, where students have to discuss the term language diversity and it‘s meaning and what they exactly know about language diversity in New Zealand. They will share their ideas and thoughts in the classroom. In addition, they will get different types of texts and exercises in the while phase, which they have to complete, in order to be able and play the game afterward. They will develop their knowledge and get some information about languages and their history, as well as how they expanded and spread in New Zealand and Germany through the texts. There are exactly four texts for four stations, students have to go through. They will start with station one and finish after station four. After they become experts in language diversity, they will play the game in the form of an escape room. The post task allows students to think about language diversity in New Zealand and Germany. They will think in a critical way about both countries and compare those to each other, and find differences and commons to discuss. The tasks expand the students knowledge about language diversity in an English-speaking country like New Zealand and as well as their country, Germany, and include speaking, writing and collaborative tasks.
This material was created during a virtual exchange project with students from Auckland (New Zealand). For more information on the project see: VELLA23
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