DIVERSITY ESCAPE ROOM: Physical Diversity and Disability

Our Escape Room was designed during an online exchange project with a group of students from Auckland University in New Zealand, PH Ludwigsburg and University of Leipzig in Germany. I worked together with Helen S., a student from New Zealand. We decided on the topic of “diversity and disability” together. Our Escape Room was created with the website/ app “genial.ly” and consists of six different quests. Each quest consists of about two to five tasks and the escape room presents 17 different tasks in total. Basically, the content presents information and questions about diversity in general and about different kinds of disabilities.

This material was created during a virtual exchange project with students from Auckland (New Zealand). For more information on the project see: VELLA23

Autor:innen der Unterichtsidee:
Anna Grob & Helen Schnabel

Betreuer:in an der Universität Leipzig:
Projektteam VELLA: https://www.philol.uni-leipzig.de/institut-fuer-anglistik/forschung/virtual-exchange-ve